Tuesday, July 29, 2008

baby steps & rock N roll

Today was the first day of school for my wee beans. Well, not official school...summer school but i can say for absolute certain, it was the first day i have ever dropped them off anywhere and left. weird, huh? we didn't do daycare and have had very little help in home. a part time nanny for a time but i've felt it was important that i spend as much time as possible raising my children. not that i haven't suffered for it financially because we are very close to only owning the front porch of our house....however, when it comes right down to brass tax, these first couple years are a tiny tick in the grand scheme of time. i can always work more later to make up for it. no biggie there. just like breast vs. bottle or cry vs. soothe; work vs. stay at home is a hugely divided camp in these parts....each has it's rhyme and reason. for me, it was like the idea of letting my kid scream himself to sleep. not one bit of that felt right in the core of my being a mother. so we stayed home.

I was so nervous but did my best to be a brave little mommy....and ya know what? so did they! i was so proud. not a single tear. well, david did a little of the bottom lip quiver but that was it. he wanted me to wait outside the classroom and i told him i had to wait at home. he said, okay mommy...i wuv you. wyatt was even more independent...he told me to go and come back later, please. HA.

So that's my news of the day....oh, except an earthquake hit when we were picking them up from school....that was fun. nothing like a disaster drill on your first day, right? it will be interesting to see if tomorrow after clean up they crawl under the tables again like they did today. remind me to tell you sometime about the year 1994 and how i lived 8 blocks from the epicenter of the Northridge quake. i'd tell my tale now, but i've much to do and only so much nap left....

oh, and one more thing. my son is popping up in an ad for Cotton....photographed by the incredibly talented and lovely Chris Craymer. the production staff were just as lovely and so surprised that he didn't seem to mind that a gazillion people were all around and staring at him. but i said, "listen, you've put him in the middle of a stream with a shiny new fishing pole, on a beautiful day next to a hot chick. what's not to love about that?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the first day of school for each of my children.

Bittersweet, tickly-prickly heart sensations days.

Such days ARE big news.

And I was upstairs in Newport Beach on earthquake day--thought my hubby bounced down the stairs!