Monday, June 9, 2008

tees | teas | tease

somehow i've managed to become quite involved in this art group. it is in my nature to, if i'm moved to do so, put my entire being into something to the point of extreme burnout. with this i'm trying to work moderation but damn, it's tough. moderation ain't my forte....

my new found friend asked me, with a fair amount of trepidation, to design a limited edition teeshirt for the October gallery show at the AES Power Plant. i did. there will be 40 printed and i have to number them by hand. weird but sorta cool. the show is aptly titled, the Power of Art. i think she asked me because i was telling her how much fun i was having with the title. whomever designed the first Power of Art logo in 2006 choose to put the words in a single line. the yoga pants i purchased have it across the butt and given the proper wedgie it reads Power fArt. now that is all i can see....Power-o-fArt.

i'm fond of type design. i have loads and loads of fun and wacky fonts. but they are just for my own viewing because i rarely use them. when i want something read i use something very straightforward and clean. then i started thinking about how strong the show title was. THE POWER OF ART. ( are reading that way too now, aren't you) so i arranged them vertically in true 80's-wham-video-frankie-goes-to-hollywood fashion and then decided to connect the words to make an even broader statement. i came up with three statements very quickly while flipping pancakes one morning. and that's about all i seem to have in me. she gave it to the group to do and i'm anxious to see the resulting statements. what would you have it say? print or write out the words THE - POWER - OF - ART and then connect them.

i printed a bunch of blank greeting cards in groups of 6 with three different sayings to sell both at fundraiser before and at the show. all the proceeds going to the Art Group and this effort to establish an art center. oh, did i tell you that? the whole mission of this group is to establish an Art Center in Redondo. PV has one, Torrance has one....Redondo is choc-a-block with wacky artsy weirdos (present company included). now, whether all us freaks can actually organize enough to be a Brewery like colony or host something like First Thursday remains to be seen.

we've had a few discussions about fundraising and how difficult it is to gather enough money to host events to begin with. most seem to land at a break even amount. plus, we're talking about artists participating here. the first meeting i attended was one part inspiration (they had a lovely fellow from Sharefest inc. speaking) one part "what are you going to do for me" from the group itself. especially since there were several discussions about submissions for the show in october. she suggested i host a tea and sell art...i think i'd rather roll naked in broken glass. i'm not a high tea kinda gal, nor am i one for these wine and cheese parties. i always feel like i need to walk around offering Altoids at those because, ladies, let me tell and cheese breath does not make for the best in polite conversation. (picture me slowing backing away as you describe your latest etching and little susie's ongoing battle with binging). so i'm settling on something else. not sure what yet...but it'll come to me.

group drama aside, i love the idea of an art center. some place where people of all ages can come to learn and explore all sorts of arts and craft. something truly Non-profit and well rounded.....where all arts are explored. movement, dance, painting, sculpting, photography, music and words. but i'm an idealist so i'm told that is a tall order to fill. hmpf.

jane pointed me to Linda Woods' Art Army and when i googled that title, what first came up was an .org with a fascinating manifesto. i printed it immediately and wish to read it every day because it moves me so....(anything that makes me think or laugh is good, but if it does both it is my personal nirvana)

these women that seem to be crossing my path lately...they are all so dynamic in their own individual sense and i see such community in getting to know them. inspirational, really....and what artist doesn't sort of cleave to that, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I so want the t-shirts with the type design. When? How much? I'm there, and wearing it!