Monday, June 2, 2008

No Friends of mine....

holy crap. i'm going to have nightmares. i just finished watching the bone-chilling documentary "Friends in God" by the amazing Alexandra Pelosi. i mean, she's brilliant and the film does a great job of not being too glib but WHAT IS WRONG with these people!!!

i can't even begin to wrap my head around all this evangelical manipulation. maybe it's that lately i've been overwhelmed with the amount of crap that is being shoved down my throat by these smiley faced, empty headed, fear mongers. or even worse, the weeping jesus figure that wants to emotionally blackmail you. ugh. enough people...

i'll write more about this later because right now, i just want to go do a ritual dance or burn some sage or cast a spell just to balance out the juju in my head. i leave you with the best response i've seen to all those patronizing God billboards that have been popping up lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel kind of mad every time I see one of those signs. Maybe they serve as a reminder how delusional and simple-minded the world can be.